Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pass the prozac, please....

Just this week I spoke (facebooked, IMd) with at least three other women who, like me, woke up in the wee hours of the morning with the breathless, panicky feeling that they had forgotten do do something really important. It is the equivalent of the dream where you go to school and there is a HUGE test that counts for, oh 90 percent of your grade, and not only did you not study, you don't even know what the test is on.

We are launching our new Web site today (opps, the Associated Press just changed how newspapers should write Web site -- it is no longer a capital 'W' and two words, but lowercase and just one word "website" must remember, must remember, must remember....) and in between learning the new set up, and loading the site, I have to blog, update the Facebook page, remember to open a twitter account for the paper, go through the 92 emails that I received this morning, create a new Senior Life section for the paper and then keep in mind that after work I must deposit money into my checking account, order my daughter's yearbook, reserve the date at the hall for her 16th birthday, order photos for a scrapbook I'm creating for a friend's birthday, order a top for a costume of the 2nd daughter, return an item to the store before the return deadline... and, and, and....dang I forgot. Oh yes, order a new bottle of Prozac (does that need a trademark symbol behind it?) Argh....

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