Thursday, April 15, 2010

How to get people to read your blog..."Boobies and Kittens"

"I don't want my blog to be blah," I was moaning to friend and fellow blogger Anthony Pacheco ( -- check him out). "I want the people who read it to think I'm interesting." The question is...what do people want to read about? (I'm pretty sure it isn't about me complaining about blogging...). He said (rather IM'd) that he could spend hours on a very thoughtful post and -- and comments would equal zippo, nadda -- but, if he wrote something snarky, silly or selfish - bam, 11 comments, like that. His suggestion was to write about what people find interesting -- boobies and kittens. To that end he sent me a link to a YouTube video entitled -- yes -- Boobies and Kittens (tastefully done). If you have sense of humor -- go see it -- it is worth the laugh. If you do not have a sense of humor, please don't comment me about it, instead see below for YouTube's warning about the video.

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  1. Obviously, my work here is complete, folks. Try the veal, I will be here all week.

  2. Ha! Don't you love how you basically wrote my blog for me! Talk to me some more in a few days...I will have to blog again.

  3. You don't know what you are asking. When I talk to you, we form this Snark Singularity. It threatens GALAXIES.
