Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facebook ponderings

I was chatting with a friend the other day - and we wonder, is Facebook now what Solitaire used to be? That compulsive, obsessive thing you do to numb your senses so you don't have to really think or get off your butt to finish work you need to do?

Or is it like a Pavlovian are the rat that is trained to hit a lever over and over and over and every once in a while the rat gets something yummy to eat. When I read Facebook my eyes slide over post after post of drudgery ("Sick...snot flowing..." "Black bean soup and club sandwich for lunch!" "We are so proud of our little Jimmy - he pooped on the potty today" and then ONCE in a rare moon something that you chuckle at, cry over or changes how you see the world.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Three little birdies sitting in a nest.....

one flew out it was for the best! Yes, one of the chillins got his own place. Before you think I am a terrible, horrible mom for being glad a bird flew the coop -- you have to realize, the biggest bird was so ready to go. It has only been a few weeks, but attitudes (from all parties concerned) have changed drastically. I used to hear about parents and kids being "best friends" and now I kinda know how that feels. It is nice.